This paper aims to explore the student psychological contract in the post-pandemic induced hybrid mode of the academic ecosystem in residential business schools of India. The study puts forth three facets of understanding student expectations for contract fulfilment: the business school, academic staff (faculty) and peers. Using a sequential mixed methodology (qualitative and quantitative), data were gathered and analyzed in two phases. Perceptions of students regarding their expectations were captured t...
Business schools need to revisit, reflect and re-align to the new normal. The paper makes an attempt to identify the measures for institutional continuity taken by a leading private business school of India. A multi-stakeholder analysis was used to understand the intricacies of 'trilemma' (Admission-Teaching & Learning-Placement) of business education. An Appreciative Inquiry (AI) approach was implemented in the study. A series of 'Brainstorming' sessions were held in the virtual mode involving participa...
The coronavirus outbreak has ignited significant disruptions across industries. An agile mindset to assimilate learning into life is mandatory to be able to perform in the redesigned workplace. The pandemic is disrupting the workforce of all the generations. The present mixed-method study seeks to examine the differences in lifelong learning attribute of the prominent generations in the Indian workforce through qualitative, in-depth interviews followed by a more generalisable, quantitative survey. The qu...
COVID-19 pandemic is a major disruptor for education today. Its onset has necessitated innovations in design and delivery of teaching and learning environment with extensive technology integration. The present study aims to scan the factors that are bringing about major transformations in management education in current times. The study extends the demographic push-pull (PP) migratory model to explain and analyse the factors that can enable a smooth transit to a technology enabled virtual teaching and le...
The Coronavirus pandemic has induced a huge economic crisis. The norms of social distancing and consequent lockdown to flatten the curve of this infection has brought economic activity across the globe to a standstill. A mass exodus of workers from major urban centres of India to their native villages started. Mental, financial and emotional agony inflicted due to job-loss, lack of job and livelihood opportunities led to this. A massive macroeconomic crisis for the country with serious ramifications has ...
The technological revolution has disrupted the business ecosystem. This calls for a paradigm shift in the essential skill-set of managers. Management education, therefore needs to transform itself to remain pertinent to the changing context. It is important to identify the management skills required of future managers and systematic reforms needed to imbibe them. In the present phenomenological qualitative study, management students, faculty, recruiters and practicing managers, the key stakeholder's, rec...