Volume 12

Predictive Ability of Operating Cash Flow and Earnings on Future Cash Flow of Nse-Listed Firms
ABSTRACT The study examines the predictive ability of current operating cash flow and earnings on the future operating cash flow of the National Stock Exchange-100 listed firms in India. It is a 15 years (2001 to 2015) study and has 1,120 firm-year observations. The ordinary least squares method is used to improve the accuracy ...
Volume 12

Tax Provision by International Subsidiaries of Indian Extractive Industry Multinationals: Do Environmental Pollution and Corruption Matter?
ABSTRACT Outward foreign direct investment in the extractive industry increases the availability of metals and minerals that run the economic engine in the home country. It is unclear, however, whether tax provision by subsidiaries of emerging multinationals in extractive sectors respond to environmental pollution and cor...
Volume 12

Analyzing the Impact of Covid-19 on Indian Stock Market Efficiency: Sectoral Behaviour
ABSTRACT The study examines the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Indian stock market, providing insights for informed investment decisions. It analyses efficiency and behavior across eight crucial sectors during two distinct periods: prepandemic (Period 1: February 15th, 2018 to February 14th, 2020) and pandemic (Period 2...
Volume 12

Analysing Delhi’s Prosperity: A Brief Commentary
ABSTRACT Delhi is a historical hub for regional, national and international commerce and a place for the socio-political elites. The city is widely considered to be prosperous. This study is an attempt at understanding Delhi’s affluence using both existing literature and data from Aspirational India, Consumer Pyramids Househo...
Volume 12

Revisiting the Interest Rate-Investment Nexus in India: Fresh Perspective from Non-Parametric Analysis
It is generally believed that business spending on capital expenditure tends to decrease as interest rates rise, and vice versa, this is not always the case. The previous literature produces inconclusive results vis-à-vis the interest rate and investment nexus. This study analyzes the responsiveness of investment to changes in hi...
Volume 12

Well-being among health care professionals: A hybrid review, integrative framework, and research agenda
High levels of stress and burnout are common mental health issues among health care professionals (HCPs), which were exacerbated during the COVID-19 pandemic. These issues hinder the well-being of HCPs, resulting in failures in health care systems. Despite being a crucial phenomenon, there is a lack of comprehensive and consolidat...
Volume 11

Impact of Economic Freedom Distance on India’s Inbound Cross-Border Acquisition Volume: Moderating Role of Economic Distance
Cross-border acquisitions (CBA) are a form of foreign direct investments and have been dramatically increasing over the last three decades. India has been one of the top CBA destinations among emerging economies, making it interesting to explore the determinants. Even though the CBA research is voluminous, the role of economic fre...
Volume 11

Integrated Care with Digital Health Innovation: Pressing Challenges
Digital health care has emerged as one of the most important means to deliver integrated care by care providers in recent years. As the use of digital health increases, there are some pressing issues such as interoperability of data across different healthcare information systems, regulatory environment and security and privacy of...
Volume 11

Managing the Dark Side of Digitalization in the Future of Work: A Fuzzy Tism Approach
The rise of new-age technologies has spurred a new industrial revolution, resulting in a digital transformation in the way we work. The global COVID-19 pandemic has further accelerated the digitalization of work. While digitalization has many positive outcomes, its darker side should be proactively managed, not neglected. In this ...
Volume 11

Maruti Suzuki India Limited: Towards Cleaner Mobility
Maruti Suzuki, a leader in Indian automotive market with around 50% market share in passenger cars, was likely to face intense competition because of disruption by electric vehicles. As electric vehicles adoption was increasing globally in developed countries, automotive companies shaped their strategy accordingly to stay relevant...